How fire crackers(patakhe) are not an important part of Divine Diwali Festival

How fire crackers(patakhe) are not an important part of Divine Diwali Festival

In India from ancient times Diwali is being celebrated as Lord Rama  came Aayodhta again .Also The festival of Diwali is celebrated for five days in India and each day holds its own importance.and celebrations.

  1. When the custom of burning firecrackers came into existence, the Indians were not using Chinese firecrackers and, perhaps, firecrackers made from natural materials. Furthermore, they were not burning them in large quantities as do about 10% of Indians.
  2. this also creates lots of pollution and which caused last year health emergency in Delhi and poor to very poor air quality in other states.
  3. this kind of air is not suitable for any kind of lung disease patients. also In Diwali many incidents happens because of these.
  4. Those who argue that A / B / C x / y / z are written in the holy book, therefore, we should not use our brain and no matter whether we live or die, we should be able to Should be written on the basis of books which were based on these books, the opinion of the people of 200/2000/20000 years ago, need immediate psychological counseling. Because of their irrational talk, we should kill human sacrifice and widow! After all, this is our culture!
  5. The Supreme Court did not ask for a ban on all firecrackers, it only asked to burn green crackers from 8 to 10 at night. Since not burning sugar or polluting firecrackers and burning green firecrackers became anti-Hindu?
  6. Why on Diwali? Well, because this India is a country of more than 1 billion Hindus. Even if 10% of them burn firecrackers continuously on any occasion, it is going to pollute the whole country! Nevertheless, I feel that in the world, especially in India and China, non-green firecrackers should be banned forever.

The only concern every sane person should have is if burning non-green firecrackers are worth the death and injury that it causes every year in India. Whether something harmful is written in some holy book or part of a culture is irrelevant because no culture is supposed to be stagnant.

In the end Diwali is the Divine Festival of sharing happiness and by burning firecrackers and make problems do not make a sense  Instead we should donate, share sweets , and should buy lots of Diyas 

And I know It will be not possible to finish it in one year but we can gradually decrease this and educate the children's about this.

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