what to do if you have mild symptoms/asymptomatic infection of covid 19

Covid-19 Virus Mask - Free image on Pixabay

Normally when we Have Mild symptoms of covid 19 or we are asymptomatic we do not need any medication. a supportive care is enough for  getting  well when you have mild symptoms then also you can infect others or may be the can get severe infection 

or In the case where you are discharged from hospital after treatment  you should take care because now also you can infect others . 

Also we know covid 19 have asymptomatic cases means  we don't know we are infected or not
here I have listed some guidelines which you should follow

when you are at home:

  • Wash hands often with soap & water
  • Don't share personal items like towel with Others 
  • clean frequently touched surfaces(with 1% hypochlorite solution) buy hypochlorite solution 
  • strictly follow government orders and guidelines
  • self monitor your health with daily temperature monitoring & report promptly if you develop any  deterioration of  symptoms
If you are in essential services or go outside for buy necessary goods
you should follow following instruction 

When you are outside:(do not go outside with no reasons if you are at home quarantine )

  • wear good quality masks & discard or wash it after coming back at home
  • Follow respiratory etiquette all the time 
  • Disinfect your hand  frequently with alcohol based sanitizer
  • Don't go at restricted places 
  • Don't touch random objects
I hope you will follow all the instructions .if you want read more amazing stuff subscribe this website below .and comment your feedback in comment box regards Prtham Maurya 

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