BMC has issued new orders, Mumbai will remain under level 3 restrictions till June 27

 : BMC has issued new orders, Mumbai will remain under level 3 restrictions till June 27

 Mumbai: Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation  The BMC's order issued on Monday stated that the population, topography and number of people traveling in and out of Mumbai using local trains daily and the likelihood of a third coronavirus outbreak have been expressed.

  The COVID Task Force and Health Experts, Mumbai will remain under Level 3 restrictions till June 27.

  The orders said Mumbai's Covid positivity rate was 3.79% and oxygen bed occupancy rate 23.56%. The order, signed by BMC chief Iqbal Chahal, said the decision may be reviewed later.

  Chahalji had told last week that Mumbai would continue to be under level 3 restrictions.  Chahal ji had said that till the cases of covid do not come down to around 100-300 per day, Mumbai will be under level 3 restrictions

 He said that we are taking a very cautious and gradual approach to unlock in Mumbai so that we do not have to go back in lockdown.

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