Covid Alert New variant B.1.529 Detected but no need to worry see why

Covid Alert New variant Detected over south africa

Covid Alert New variant B.1.529 Detected over south africa

The new version B. was identified on Tuesday and has a "very unusual constellation" of mutations, Reuters reports

It carries the mutation associated with vaccine escape and would be extremely worrisome if it did fly. Most of the cases are in South Africa, where the overall Covid cases are currently increasing. 

It is not known whether there is a link - and whether B.1.529 is more permeable than the delta till now 

 There is "no reason to be concerned at this time ", said François Balloux, Professor of Computational Systems Biology at University College London, while the UK Health Protection Agency (UKHSA) is monitoring and investigating the version.

till now no Indian Health authority have made any statements regarding this 

we will update as they approach this news till then keep reading our blogs... 

happy reading 

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